6th International contest of caricature and graphic humor
- 2020
"Tribute to Arles Herrera -
Theme: And after the pandemic, what?
We present to
all of you the convening of the sixth edition of the NOTICARTÚN COLOMBIA contest, which pays
tribute to the Colombian cartoonist, artist, and maestro José Arles Herrera,
better known as “Calarcá”.
José Arles
Herrera "Calarca" was born in Armenia (Quindío), on June 23, 1934. He
went to painting school in the 1950s, in the city of Cali, to the workshop of
the Popayán’s painter Hernando González and later studied caricature and
graphic arts in Moscow, at the Institute of Political Science and Graphic
Communication. His time at the academy was not only for learning but also to
create training spaces and to share his knowledge. This is how he is the
co-founder of the National Cartoon School (in Colombia) and its teacher for 29
years. He has also been a workshop professor at the Jorge Tadeo Lozano
University, the Industrial University of Santander, the Ricardo Rendon of
Rionegro City Cultural Center, and Univalle University, among others; as well
as in different social spaces in the country. Lastly, it is significant to
highlight that Calarca´s work has been printed in important media in the world.
Taken from
Youtube: CulturaEnBta Channel
1. Open to all professional
cartoonists in the world, preferably of legal age (18 years old).
Deadline: September 30 of this year. There will be 2
categories: graphic humor and physiognomic caricature Physiognomic caricatures of Arles Herrera
- Calarcá (not portraits).
B. Graphic humor: "And after the pandemic, what?"
Assuming we will overcome this coronavirus, what does the world have in store for it, after this one?
Assuming we will overcome this coronavirus, what does the world have in store for it, after this one?
- caricature
: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
positions + 5 Honorable Mentions: Virtual Diploma.
Graphic humour
: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
positions + 5 Honorable Mentions: Virtual Diploma.
"Caricature Recognition and Graphic Humor Noticartún Colombia"
4) Each participant can present as far as 1 work per topic,
and each work can only be awarded in one single category. Black and white or
color cartoons are well received.
5) About the JURY:
It’s made up of renowned caricaturists and professional cartoonists from Colombia, Poland, and Costa Rica.
- Melissa Baena “Mel” (Armenia)
- Andrés gonzález“Gova” (Bogotá)
- Luis Eduardo León (Bogotá)
- Izabela Kowalska - Wieczorek (Poland)
- Luis D. Calvo “Mecho” (Costa Rica)
They may participate with works but only as a collaboration and not for awards. The works from their relatives or people with whom they have currently worked, may not be taken into account for the award.
It’s made up of renowned caricaturists and professional cartoonists from Colombia, Poland, and Costa Rica.
- Melissa Baena “Mel” (Armenia)
- Andrés gonzález“Gova” (Bogotá)
- Luis Eduardo León (Bogotá)
- Izabela Kowalska - Wieczorek (Poland)
- Luis D. Calvo “Mecho” (Costa Rica)
They may participate with works but only as a collaboration and not for awards. The works from their relatives or people with whom they have currently worked, may not be taken into account for the award.
6) The cartoons sent must have
a maximum size of 30 x 40 cm. and jpg. 300 dpi.
7) You may send
cartoons that have already been published or awarded previously. The selected
works will be online so that if someone has a complaint about the originality
of the work, the jury and the organization of the contest will review the case
and select a new finalist work.
8) All the
drawings presented must be made from original ideas drawn or painted, either
presented in analog (scanned) or digital form. NO memes,
photos, scanned photocopies, photomontages, collages, or 3D renders will be accepted.
49) Participants
must send a brief a digital curriculum vitae with their contact information:
name, surname, email, website or blog, and country of origin. Also, include a
photograph or self-caricature.
10) Each author
owns the rights to their work and only authorizes the International Cartoon
and Graphic Humor Contest - NOTICARTUN COLOMBIA to use it in this
online tribute and its promotional pieces or possible cultural exhibitions,
without any financial compensation for the parts. Any problem with copyrights
will be assumed by the participant.
11) The
International Cartoon and Graphic Humor Contest - NOTICARTUN COLOMBIA,
reserves the right to exhibit those works that may violate individual or
collective rights and policies.
12) Participation
in the contest implies full and unreserved acceptance of these conditions.
13) Works must
be sent to concursonoticartuncol@gmail.com
International contest of caricature and graphic
Topic: 6
Kind regards,
Camilo A. Triana C.
Juan C. Lopera A.
History of the Noticartún Colombia Contest: https://concursonoticartun.blogspot.com/p/trayectoria-2014.html
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